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First Chicken BBQ Of 2011 To Benefit Mulberry Elementary

We are very excited to announce that the Mulberry-Fairplains Ruritan club will be sponsoring Mulberry Elementary for a Chicken-Q on March 26, 2011. This is a wonderful opportunity to help raise money for the school and enjoy some delicious chicken at the same time! Cost is $6.00 per plate. Plates include bbq chicken half, slaw, beans, roll, and dessert. If you would like to order plates please see a Mulberry student to purchase a plate ticket.

Thanks for coming out on Saturday!

We would like to thank all of you who came out to purchase a plate on Saturday! We look forward to picking things back up in March 2011 with our next BBQ. As always we encourage you to attend our meetings to see what we are about! We would love to have you as a member. Please contact us with any questions.